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Last night, I read Paula Smith’s wonderfully succinct analysis of the proposed General Bond for St. George (found here). It was attached as a response to a re-post of questions I posted about the upcoming City Council meeting where the General Obligation bond will be discussed (found here). Between Paula’s write up and my response,...

Last weekend, signs popped up all over the city in support of the G.O. Bond. There is a community meeting tomorrow evening “educating” the citizens on the bond. Unfortunately, I can’t make the meeting due to a previously scheduled obligation. I wish I could attend. I have a few questions. Like, who paid for the...

I read Paula Smith’s “My Response To an Unknown Author” today. You can find her response HERE. Her response was a very succinct response to the accusations and tone of the letter from an unknown author. This letter is a response to the 2 minute speeches (and in my case, also the follow up questions)...

I read an interesting statistic today. According to a report released last May by the Federal Reserve on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households, in 2022, about 37% could not pay for a $400 emergency with cash. That’s up from 32% in 2021. Some economic advisors believe currently, that number has reached upwards of 46%....

During the heat of this summer, I’ve noticed some of the shrubs and smaller plants in my backyard really suffering (I may even lose one or two by the time fall rolls around). I started checking my bubbler line, and realized that no water was getting past the first, large mature tree. After some digging,...

Paid for by Kimball Willard 2023
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